24th Anniversary of the 1998 Embassy Bombings
Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery
Today we solemnly remember the lives — Americans, Kenyans, Tanzanians, and others — that were violently taken from us 24 years ago. The terrorist attacks against our Embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania claimed 224 innocent victims and injured more than 4,500 others. Among those we honor are the colleagues the Department lost that day, Americans and Foreign Service Nationals dedicated to strengthening bonds between the United States and our African partners. The victims of these attacks are never far from our minds, and today our thoughts are also with the loved ones they left behind.
In the aftermath of these heinous attacks, America and our partners met cowardice and depravity with courage and determination. The attacks, designed to intimidate us, only reinforced our resolve. And earlier this month, America took decisive action against al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, an architect of the 1998 attacks, making clear once again that we are positioned to act on our determination, which does not wane with time.
Today in South Africa and in the coming days from the region, I will reiterate to our African partners that America remains determined to work with countries of the continent to confront the shared challenges we face, including the scourge of terrorism and violent extremism. As we remember the lives taken from us nearly a quarter century ago, we will continue to demonstrate that those who seek to stand in the way of a better future for our countries will never be able to succeed.